An enthusiastic and curious Computer geek

Hi, I am Sumit Kumar, a Computer Engineering undergrad at Netaji Subhash University of Technology, New Delhi, India. Currently I am in second year, and will be graduating in 2024. I really like to learn about the Technologies which bring into existence the everyday digital tools we use and I am keenly interested in contributing to projects. This is my personal website describing about my hobbies and skills, and it is built using plain html, css and javascript.

Linked in Git hub


As I am a Computer science student, hence coding is an essential part of my life and ofcourse its my hobby.


I love to play computer games like Rocket league, Valorant and GTA 5. I play some mobile games also like COD Moblie.


I watch a lot of anime like Naruto,Demon slayer and Attack on titan(my favourite). I sometimes also read manga.



I know all the basics of c++ and some basics of OPPs till operator overloading and some common STL classes.


I can use html to build a simple website like this quiet easily, though I need a little bit of googling but yes, I have understood almost all concepts required to structure a website.


I know all the basic concepts like postioning properties, z-index, transitions to design a website that may look cool.


I have learnt javascript enough to make a professional website as dynamic as required, and I aim to learn more of it that is enough to build a game.


I know how to use various classes and features of the bootstrap liberary to make website more responsive to different viewports. Although, I didn't used it here according to rules 🙂.


I just started out with this, don't know much, but ofcourse I aim to master it.


I know basics of using a bash shell. (I use ubuntu by the way.) and I also know automating some basic tasks using bash shell.


I have studied out basic data structures and I have also completed a course in it.

Link to certificate
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